• Quick Look: Tjeklist

    Updated: 2011-08-31 18:00:55
    _______________________ Quick Look posts are paid submissions offering only a brief overview of an app. Vote in the polls below if you think this app is worth an in-depth AppStorm review! In this Quick Look, we’re highlighting Tjeklist. The developer describes APP Tjeklist as an app for all your tasks, to-dos, projects, goals, lists and [...]

  • Refund still no response

    Updated: 2011-08-31 16:56:32
    Go ahead and PM me, that way I can cross reference it with my support stuff to find out what happened to it. Thanks! Margaret

  • Looking for casual HTML5 games

    Updated: 2011-08-31 10:04:25
    You are also welcome to check out flashgamelicense.com, although I think you're going to have a very difficult time finding anyone who develops casual…

  • Artist Needed

    Updated: 2011-08-30 21:37:48
    Hey Guys, I am in need of an artist for a driving game. It is a typical dirt bike game, but located on the moon and the "astronaut" is riding a mo…

  • Primary licence and mobile game version

    Updated: 2011-08-30 20:03:16
    Simple answer? Talk to your sponsor. But don't give them exclusive mobile appstore publishing rights unless they pay you extra :D!

  • Using BridgeKey Prevents Game from Caching

    Updated: 2011-08-30 10:22:15
    Unfortunately FlashVars is broken, it only works under some conditions, so we can't use that. You can use a unique bridgeKey per game and it should wo…

  • Stickman Freeride - Last call

    Updated: 2011-08-30 08:26:01
    Last 48 hours

  • 10 design books to consider for graphic design students

    Updated: 2011-08-30 03:28:42
    Learning graphic design is a lifelong process, so graphic design students don’t worry: you’ll have plenty of time becoming an [...]

  • Rhino Revenge - Does anyone else have problems with this?

    Updated: 2011-08-30 00:57:21
    Tried it in IE this time and it looks like I have a debug player installed there. Clicking Submit brought up the following error: TypeE…

  • How Steve Jobs’ Reign has Changed the Web

    Updated: 2011-08-29 14:00:03
    Steve Jobs is perhaps best known for the groundbreaking, market-leading products he has introduced under his reign as Apple CEO. He and his team created products that have literally revolutionised industries, or even nearly created new markets for tablets and media players, and that’s what the general public recognise his work for. However, his time [...]

  • Can you give me Tutorial on how to make a flash game?

    Updated: 2011-08-28 22:04:29
    Originally posted by Zombiism Originally posted by jopo or maybe some feronato tutorial translated properly? Find an old Emmenual …

  • Google wants us to write HTML 5 games for Chrome

    Updated: 2011-08-28 21:22:22
    Originally posted by drdalipagic People create as never before. Blogs, videos, music, games. At what point ever before in time did pe…

  • making a game

    Updated: 2011-08-28 19:33:01
    You can compile swfs using flash develop in combination with the flex sdk. Flash develop is open source, flex sdk is not, swf format is an open standa…

  • [NEW GAME]Trapped Ball

    Updated: 2011-08-28 17:39:30
    helloo i love it try to make some more

  • Any idea why fonts wont work with live updates?

    Updated: 2011-08-28 17:38:18
    wm thanks for your reply. No I'm not using TLF It is definitely happening only when I use Live Updates. when not in the update wrapper it wo…

  • How to Host games on web server

    Updated: 2011-08-27 18:47:58
    Hire someone. Sorry, there isn't really a simpler way of helping. You need to get at least some knowledge, and the money you'll earn from Mochi as …

  • Vabolt.com xml game feed

    Updated: 2011-08-27 17:19:16
    thanks I've replaced the file. In a nutshell. A pron traffic exchange system that someone installed for me for a banner traffic exhange was overzea…

  • What design do you prefer?

    Updated: 2011-08-27 09:20:32
    I will wait for GA results, but white design will probably have about 2% lower bounce rate. Thank you all!

  • HELP! Preloader ads don't work correctly but load after game is loaded!

    Updated: 2011-08-27 08:09:03
    The easiest way to have a correct preloader in your game is to just use Live Updates, this doesn't require any tricky code or compile settings for you…

  • AV Arcade Pro - License For Sale

    Updated: 2011-08-26 21:59:39
    Ok, nmz502, thanks for the advice. I'll do that.

  • SQL Server

    Updated: 2011-08-26 19:51:50
    Originally posted by Bubuskac Maybe your .htaccess file has some problem. Maybe the problem your page is not on an apache web server. Basica…

  • [Last Call] Climb-O-Rama

    Updated: 2011-08-26 15:04:09
    Hello, I'd like to introduce **Climb-O-Rama** to potential sponsors. ![alt text][1] Do you have what it takes to reach the top? Climb multi…

  • Integration with Flixel

    Updated: 2011-08-26 11:48:02
    Hey I'm the noob from this post: [https://en.mochimedia.com/community/forum/topic/help-blank-screen-after-mochiads-preloader][1] I was googling s…

  • Need Help In Making Flash Games

    Updated: 2011-08-26 09:39:14
    An outrageous game? Truly, truly, truly outrageous? http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/577079

  • How many game plays have you had?

    Updated: 2011-08-26 00:44:33
    About 20,000. I am too lazy to figure out the exact number :D.

  • Zone Pointer colission in a Shooter Game

    Updated: 2011-08-25 09:21:43
    Originally posted by TaykronGames ...i'm tha artist not the coder... Tell your coder to read all the different hitTest descriptions at Adob…

  • Simple Class/Methods help

    Updated: 2011-08-24 22:51:12
    i like how this turned into a discussion about books.

  • Scoreboard Locking up Game

    Updated: 2011-08-24 22:28:21
    It can freeze if you're using the debugger, because the Flash debugger is broken. There's not much we can do about that (or the sandbox warnings).

  • Referencing a function multiple times?

    Updated: 2011-08-24 20:49:41
    You need to look into classes. You can't do this with timeline coding. (Well, you probably can, but I wouldn't. Bad coding practice.)

  • Quick Look: Spendful

    Updated: 2011-08-24 18:00:37
    Quick Look posts are paid submissions offering only a brief overview of an app. Vote in the polls below if you think this app is worth an in-depth AppStorm review! In this Quick Look, we’re highlighting Spendful. The developer describes Spendful as a tool that lets you create budgets easily. It tracks spending, and lets [...]

  • Mute button

    Updated: 2011-08-24 11:53:17
    as others have mentioned in the function where you listen for key press you can do trace(e.keyCode); then when you run the code you can push with your…

  • Easter's Drop doesn't seem to work

    Updated: 2011-08-24 08:44:48
    Denied until the developer fixes it.

  • CursorMC points the way you move, feels laggy right now...

    Updated: 2011-08-24 06:35:11
    First problem is that you have two different update handlers running at different rates. On every interval update it will look like the mouse hasn't m…

  • Invertion is now up for Sponsorship!

    Updated: 2011-08-24 04:32:48
    Hey, My new game (Invertion) is now open for sponsorship. I'm pretty happy with the results. The comments were excellent, and most of the beta-tes…

  • Artist needs a job...

    Updated: 2011-08-24 03:08:43
    Originally posted by nmz502 Perhaps if you didn't sound so rude more people would consider using you. Yes kindness goes a long way, not tha…

  • Problems in my game 'Bottlecaps'

    Updated: 2011-08-24 00:32:33
    Please specify exactly what you did to get the error message. I can't reproduce a problem adding an item with your account in that game. It will proba…

  • Ma.rs: Create A Mobile Marketing Platform Without Programming

    Updated: 2011-08-24 00:00:12
    Mobile phones have, in the last few years, become a sheer necessity in almost everyone’s life. Imagining life without a mobile phone is like imagining a world without air – nothing would function and people would be at a loss on what to do. We use mobile phones for everything, from checking the weather forecast [...]

  • [Looking for sponsor] Cut And Kill

    Updated: 2011-08-23 18:24:25
    Thank you for your comment =)

  • 6 Tools to Create a Google Plus Profile Widget for Your Site

    Updated: 2011-08-22 22:00:58
    Google+ is in many ways the hottest social network in these days.  It’s reported to have gotten 25 million users faster than any other social network, and has already seen a lot of engagement from popular users. Whether it’s found a place in your social networking life or not, Google+ can definitely be another great way to [...]

  • Are quiz games worth making?

    Updated: 2011-08-22 16:58:58
    Is thinkfast dating (by addictinggames) a quiz game? It was fun, but dumb. EDIT: Check my post count :O.

  • Smooth animation on iOS with JavaScript

    Updated: 2011-08-22 10:51:56
    Seb Lee-Delisle creatively digital About Seb Projects Training Courses Three.js tutorial getting started Smooth animation on iOS with JavaScript Two tutorials in two weeks I know , it’s crazy but I’m getting through a bit of a backlog here I’ve now posted a guide to making super smooth running games within the browser on iOS . You can wrap it up in PhoneGap and publish to the AppStore if you want It’s based around the fact that if you move HTML elements around using 3D CSS transforms , they will then be rendered using the GPU . It’s so much faster than canvas , and with this game I have a full 60fps on an iPad 1. Create an iPad optimised game on creativeJS.com Related : posts HTML5 JavaScript platform game optimised for iPad Multi-touch game controller in JavaScript HTML5 for iPad Creative

  • multiplayer strategy network game

    Updated: 2011-08-22 06:36:53
    New version released, come with "How to play"

  • Can't change Item Type in my Store.

    Updated: 2011-08-21 04:05:21
    Perfect :)

  • Please review my flash game - Space Control

    Updated: 2011-08-20 20:28:01
    Originally posted by Maras Keys are working even in Chrome now. Not sure if they (finally) fixed it, or you changed something.. Great news!…

  • New Hosting Site Chance On Money

    Updated: 2011-08-20 07:59:24
    Originally posted by Angmon It just seems really low right now. We pretty much made about $0.05 off 1000 impressions. We are also running Google …

  • Gentlemen (and Ladies) … Start Your Game Engines!

    Updated: 2011-08-19 16:48:32
    Ludum Dare #21 kicks off in just a few hours, where game devs around the world will take the next 48 hours to create a game “from scratch.” I won’t be participating, as all the game development I’m doing in the next 48 will be to get the next beta of Frayed Knights out the [...]

  • We will compose music for your projects!

    Updated: 2011-08-18 19:32:32
    I'm serious. If you need music, just contact me. :D

  • How mochi games are rated ?

    Updated: 2011-08-18 18:14:30
    [Marketing Flash Games: The Other Half of the Battle][1] [1]: http://mochiland.com/articles/marketing-flash-games-the-other-half-of-the-battle

  • Presented By:

    Updated: 2011-08-18 00:20:00

  • Three.js tutorial – getting started

    Updated: 2011-08-15 12:27:47
    Seb Lee-Delisle creatively digital About Seb Projects Training Courses September CreativeJS workshop in Brighton Smooth animation on iOS with JavaScript Three.js tutorial getting started Our very first tutorial has gone live on CreativeJS.com Getting up and running with three.js can be tricky , but hopefully this will make it very easy I’ve refactored it since it launched last week let me know if you find any errors This tutorial is part of my CreativeJS training course Just five spots left for my next workshop Related : posts Particle tutorial part 2 in Computer Arts magazine Flash particle tutorial in Computer Arts magazine Launch traffic takes down CreativeJS server More creative JS HTML5 training CreativeJS in Brighton , Amsterdam , SxSW Texas and Manchester This entry was posted on

  • AIR 2.7 command line compiling on Mac for IOS

    Updated: 2011-08-10 12:07:00
    : Home Dashboard Csharks Juwal Bose Eldhose P Mathew Game Development Buzz Some info on game development from csharks Resource Entrepreneur resouces Indian Business Steps Roles in a startup Promoting site Building Success Online Reputation Management Online Business Tools Backup Tools Freelancer Resource More Freelance Tools Open Source ToolKit Business e-Books Blog Archive 2011 10 August 2 AIR 2.7 command line compiling on Mac for IOS Mobile Games using Flex June 2 HTML5 games by Game salad Alienware at E3 2011 March 1 Terry Paton Developing games in Flash January 5 PSP2 features Uncharted Video Facebook Graph API development with Flash Review . Unity makes waves with camera gaming and iPhone , A . Blackberry Playbook great for flash games unco . Notion Ink's Adam is out Video 2010 35

  • Mobile Games using Flex

    Updated: 2011-08-10 07:02:00
    Seems the development workflow in Flash builder has changed a lot. It is now incredibly easier to develop apps for multiple devices. Check out the development workflow.

  • How much to sell source code for?

    Updated: 2011-08-05 00:34:15
    Originally posted by egdcltd That doesn't strike me as a good idea. Why bother sponsoring if you can have everything for the same price? If …

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